Like it or not, money is involved in much of what we do as local faith communities. Money makes possible most of the ways we live out the Gospel and engage in God’s mission in the world. Consequently, we need to look at money in a new way and embrace it, not with fear or anxiety, but with a spirit of generosity and liberation. We need to move from the practice of scarcity to that of abundance, learning to talk about money with confidence and joy.
Developed by Episcopal Church Foundation, the Finance Resource Guide offers a basic, practical, and theologically grounded resource for lay and clergy leaders to navigate the complex but essential tasks of raising, stewarding, and expending financial resources for local mission and ministry. This book is designed for lay and clergy leaders with a wide variety of financial backgrounds and expertise—for newly ordained priests as well as veteran parish treasurers, for those faithful parishioners who have ongoing fiduciary responsibilities as well as newcomers who are helping to manage the financial resources of their local faith community for the very first time.
Available in Spanish: Guía de recursos para finanzas
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