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Pamphlets are sold in bundles of 10. Using the powerful prose of Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and the Forward Movement bullet points you’ve come to know and trust, we explore how to live into The Way of Love as we continue the Jesus Movement.
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Pamphlets are sold in bundles of 10. Using the powerful prose of Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry and the Forward Movement bullet points you’ve come to know and trust, we explore how to live into The Way of Love as we continue the Jesus Movement.
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Practices for Jesus-Centered Life
Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused on practices for a Jesus-Centered Life. This tri-fold brochure (5.5” x 8.5” when folded) includes an invitation letter from Presiding Bishop Cur... Learn More...
Practices for Jesus-Centered Life
Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused on practices for a Jesus-Centered Life. This tri-fold brochure (5.5” x 8.5” when folded) includes an invitation letter from Presiding Bishop Cur...
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Prácticas para una vida centrada en Jesús
El Obispo Primado Michael Curry ha invitado a toda la iglesia a seguir el Camino del amor, una regla de vida que se enfoca en prácticas o hábitos que nos ayudarán a que nuestras vidas se centren en Jesús. Este folleto tríptico incluye una invitac... Learn More...
Prácticas para una vida centrada en Jesús
El Obispo Primado Michael Curry ha invitado a toda la iglesia a seguir el Camino del amor, una regla de vida que se enfoca en prácticas o hábitos que nos ayudarán a que nuestras vidas se centren en Jesús. Este folleto tríptico incluye una invitac...
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Practices for Jesus-Centered Life
Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused on practices for a Jesus-Centered Life. These tri-fold wallet cards (3.5” x 2” when folded) are the perfect pocket reminder for disciples follow... Learn More...
Practices for Jesus-Centered Life
Presiding Bishop Curry has invited the whole church to take up The Way of Love, a “rule of life” focused on practices for a Jesus-Centered Life. These tri-fold wallet cards (3.5” x 2” when folded) are the perfect pocket reminder for disciples follow...
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Prácticas para una vida centrada en Jesús
El Obispo Primado Michael Curry ha invitado a toda la iglesia a seguir el Camino del amor, una regla de vida que se enfoca en prácticas o hábitos que nos ayudarán a que nuestras vidas se centren en Jesús. Estas tarjetitas en forma de tríptico son i... Learn More...
Prácticas para una vida centrada en Jesús
El Obispo Primado Michael Curry ha invitado a toda la iglesia a seguir el Camino del amor, una regla de vida que se enfoca en prácticas o hábitos que nos ayudarán a que nuestras vidas se centren en Jesús. Estas tarjetitas en forma de tríptico son i...
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A Practical Model for Spiritual Growth and Evangelism
By Claude Payne
In a world hungry for the hope of Jesus, Episcopal Bishop Claude E. Payne offers a roadmap for individuals and churches to seek and establish rich spiritual lives and to connect deeply with God and our neighbors. Too often, spirituality is privatize... Learn More...
A Practical Model for Spiritual Growth and Evangelism
By Claude Payne
In a world hungry for the hope of Jesus, Episcopal Bishop Claude E. Payne offers a roadmap for individuals and churches to seek and establish rich spiritual lives and to connect deeply with God and our neighbors. Too often, spirituality is privatize...
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The 50 Day Bible Challenge
By Marek P. Zabriskie
The Book of Acts shares the story of the birth of the Christian church, connecting the earliest followers of Jesus to Christians 2,000 years later. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into followers of “The Way,” the community... Learn More...
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Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00
The 50 Day Bible Challenge
By Marek P. Zabriskie
The Book of Acts shares the story of the birth of the Christian church, connecting the earliest followers of Jesus to Christians 2,000 years later. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into followers of “The Way,” the community...
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A 40 Day Bible Challenge
By Marek P. Zabriskie
"The poor are on God's heart and should be on ours. We are called to fight poverty and injustice wherever we find it."-The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Founder, The Bible Challenge Featuring forty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers fro... Learn More...
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Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00
A 40 Day Bible Challenge
By Marek P. Zabriskie
"The poor are on God's heart and should be on ours. We are called to fight poverty and injustice wherever we find it."-The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Founder, The Bible Challenge Featuring forty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers fro...
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A 5.5"x8.5" card with the service "The Distribution of Holy Communion by Lay Eucharist Ministers" from The Book of Occasional Services. Includes additional prayers: For Strength and Confidence, For Those Who Live Alone, For the Aged, For Those We Lo... Learn More...
A 5.5"x8.5" card with the service "The Distribution of Holy Communion by Lay Eucharist Ministers" from The Book of Occasional Services. Includes additional prayers: For Strength and Confidence, For Those Who Live Alone, For the Aged, For Those We Lo...
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