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The Bible Challenge

Read the Bible in a Year

The Bible Challenge

Take a great journey through the Bible, a year-long reading adventure, with The Bible Challenge. Each day you will be accompanied by a meditation written by a church leader or biblical scholar. More than one hundred archbishops, bishops, deans, prie... Learn More...

Add to cart Paperback 2114 $18.00

The Bible Challenge

Read the Bible in a Year

Take a great journey through the Bible, a year-long reading adventure, with The Bible Challenge. Each day you will be accompanied by a meditation written by a church leader or biblical scholar. More than one hundred archbishops, bishops, deans, prie...

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The Social Justice Bible Challenge

A 40 Day Bible Challenge

The Social Justice Bible Challenge

"The poor are on God's heart and should be on ours. We are called to fight poverty and injustice wherever we find it."-The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Founder, The Bible Challenge Featuring forty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers fro... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2464 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

The Social Justice Bible Challenge

A 40 Day Bible Challenge

"The poor are on God's heart and should be on ours. We are called to fight poverty and injustice wherever we find it."-The Rev. Marek P. Zabriskie, Founder, The Bible Challenge Featuring forty days of reflections by spiritual leaders and writers fro...

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The Creation Care Bible Challenge

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

The Creation Care Bible Challenge

Winner of a 2023 Illumination Award for Bible Study! God saw every living thing that was made, and indeed, it was very good. -Genesis 1:31 Join farmers, scientists, theologians, conservationists and clergy in exploring ways that we can be faithful,... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2633 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

The Creation Care Bible Challenge

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

Winner of a 2023 Illumination Award for Bible Study! God saw every living thing that was made, and indeed, it was very good. -Genesis 1:31 Join farmers, scientists, theologians, conservationists and clergy in exploring ways that we can be faithful,...

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The Way of Love Bible Challenge

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

The Way of Love Bible Challenge

The Way of Love is the way of Jesus. With seven core spiritual practices, the Way of Love offers an intentional, Spirit-led path to following Jesus. And what better guidebook for the journey than the Bible? The Way of Love Bible Challenge pairs each... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2554 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

The Way of Love Bible Challenge

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

The Way of Love is the way of Jesus. With seven core spiritual practices, the Way of Love offers an intentional, Spirit-led path to following Jesus. And what better guidebook for the journey than the Bible? The Way of Love Bible Challenge pairs each...

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A Journey through Genesis

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey through Genesis

Come and explore the advent of humanity and the interplay of God and humans with this daily guide to Genesis, the first book of the Bible. This Genesis Bible Challenge features 50 days of scripture readings, meditations by renowned spiritual leaders... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2666 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey through Genesis

A 50 Day Bible Challenge

Come and explore the advent of humanity and the interplay of God and humans with this daily guide to Genesis, the first book of the Bible. This Genesis Bible Challenge features 50 days of scripture readings, meditations by renowned spiritual leaders...

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A Journey through Acts

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey through Acts

The Book of Acts shares the story of the birth of the Christian church, connecting the earliest followers of Jesus to Christians 2,000 years later. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into followers of “The Way,” the community... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2481 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey through Acts

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

The Book of Acts shares the story of the birth of the Christian church, connecting the earliest followers of Jesus to Christians 2,000 years later. On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit breathes new life into followers of “The Way,” the community...

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A Journey with John

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey with John

The Gospel of John starts with poetry and moves through the great story of Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection with literary flair and deeply theological underpinnings. John focuses on Jesus' last years of life—his public ministry and "signs" —... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2431 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey with John

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

The Gospel of John starts with poetry and moves through the great story of Jesus' ministry, death, and resurrection with literary flair and deeply theological underpinnings. John focuses on Jesus' last years of life—his public ministry and "signs" —...

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A Journey with Luke

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey with Luke

A masterful storyteller with the compassion of a physician, Luke paints a picture of Jesus as healer, full of mercy, forgiveness, and love. The Gospel of Luke features the lovely Magnificat, Mary's love song to God, and the nativity story heard in C... Learn More...

Add to cart Paperback 2399 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey with Luke

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A masterful storyteller with the compassion of a physician, Luke paints a picture of Jesus as healer, full of mercy, forgiveness, and love. The Gospel of Luke features the lovely Magnificat, Mary's love song to God, and the nativity story heard in C...

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A Journey with Mark

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey with Mark

Take a journey through the Gospel of Mark with fifty days of scripture readings, meditations, questions, and prayers. Dynamic spiritual leaders and authors serve as guides, writing from around the world. A Journey with Mark is an extension of The B... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2302 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey with Mark

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

Take a journey through the Gospel of Mark with fifty days of scripture readings, meditations, questions, and prayers. Dynamic spiritual leaders and authors serve as guides, writing from around the world. A Journey with Mark is an extension of The B...

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A Journey With Matthew

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

A Journey With Matthew

Take a journey through the Gospel of Matthew with fifty days of scripture readings, meditations, questions, and prayers. Twenty-five dynamic spiritual leaders and authors serve as guides, writing from around the world about the wisdom, lessons, and ... Learn More...

Add to cart Book 2289 Price: $18.00
Sale Price: $15.00

A Journey With Matthew

The 50 Day Bible Challenge

Take a journey through the Gospel of Matthew with fifty days of scripture readings, meditations, questions, and prayers. Twenty-five dynamic spiritual leaders and authors serve as guides, writing from around the world about the wisdom, lessons, and ...

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