Through a guided methodology of self-reflection, sharing and workshop discussion, RenewalWorks challenges parishes to refocus on spiritual growth and to identify ways that God is calling them to grow.
RenewalWorks is a catalyst for refocusing parishes (and the individuals in them) on spiritual vitality. It has been tailored to the Episcopal tradition, adapting 10 years of research that has uncovered key characteristics of flourishing congregations. It will inspire your congregation and leadership to rediscover who Jesus is, and what it means to follow him.
For more information, please see the RenewalWorks website
Your payment of $500.00 includes the following:
- The Spiritual Life Inventory and a personalized report, based on your congregation's data and benchmarked against more than 1,800 churches from many denominations that have also taken the survey over the past decade
- A timeline for the process, along with conference calls, webinars and other materials to assist your planning and communication efforts
- Three copies of the booklet, Footsteps by Jay Sidebotham, which explains the importance of spiritual growth and the methodology behind RenewalWorks. Discounted copies are also available for your workshop team and congregation.
- Support for your workshop facilitator and team that includes:
- a step-by-step Facilitator Guide
- a Participant's Workbook for each team member
- templates created by Jay Sidebotham to print and post as visual aids
- webinars and weekly phone check-ins with your facilitator
Ready to purchase? Please read this first. Once you've checked out through the shopping cart, you will receive an initial email confirming your purchase. After your payment has processed (usually within a day, but delayed during holidays and weekends), you will receive a follow-up email with a link to download the RenewalWorks Program Guide. This downloaded folder contains the Welcome Packet and next steps to complete your registration for the RenewalWorks program, including an online questionnaire about your church. Our staff will contact you shortly after the completion of this questionnaire.
Your purchase of the RenewalWorks program is non-refundable, so please ensure you are ready to begin the program within a few months of purchase.